Dullass Nights

The weekly runaround from our rundown concertgoer.

8 September 2014

Fuck Mondays right in the mouth. Seriously, fuck this. I don’t think a Monday has ever felt like a heart defect before. Whatever. Welcome to my little corner of the world. I try to tell Trees their jeans are too tight and this happens. Hey, that made me laugh. I have significantly improved my mood.//

Last week.

Monday I went to Central Market and the MILF scene was on point, which is usually more of a Whole Foods thing.

Tuesday I wore sweatpants, listened to Mama Cass, and watched porn. It was fucking awesome. I was totally alone and it was wonderful, wonderful.

Wednesday I can’t remember what I did for the life of me. There weren’t any shows. I guess I was probably high.

Thursday I went to Dada. I liked that upbeat, poppy math rock from Dome Dwellers. Teen sounded ok, but I’d be surprised if you ever hear a live set from them that sounds as good as their albums. Islands had some serious chops though. I knew going in that the songwriting and albums were strong, but every moment of their set was tight.

Friday I had to go to Austin. I ate bbq, drank beer and whisky, saw some family, and checked out the new Trailer Park Boys episodes, which were surprisingly awesome. Heard good things about Whirr and even better things about the opener, Clear Acid.

Saturday I was at Dada for elevator fest or whatever that was called. Carmichael (Dada’s sound guy) played drums in an eclectic band, I thought they were terrific. Drug Animal confirmed, again, that they are total fucking badasses. The Birds of Night just keep getting better. They’ve tossed glam rock and garage rock and a bunch of other nice things into the stew, but Saturday you could see that they are starting to transcend influences and become something great. Leon Bridges and The Texas Gentlemen were such a breath of fresh air! I was just like, Where the fuck did this guy come from and where did he get those pants? They were slick and soulful and, damn, I just want to see them again. Crypt Trip were young and fun, I enjoyed their set.

Sunday there was a hell of a show at Three Links. Fans of Tom Petty and The War on Drugs should’ve fucking been there to see Strand of Oaks because Tim Showalter is a great songwriter and a hell of a performer. Christopher Denny from Austin was also great. He’s a strong songwriter with a unique voice, his music meshes gospel and folk and his banter in between songs was hysterical.

This week.

Monday, September 8th
So I guess I was wrong last week, Washed Out at Granada is tonight. Oops. Still not worth thirty bucks.

Tuesday, September 9th
Bunch of angry white guys (Full of Hell, Noisem, Baring Teeth, Tyrannosorceress) screaming at Three Links. I’ll still be angry and white tomorrow, sounds fun.

Wednesday, September 10th
If the weather is ok and I’m fucked up in the right way it is theoretically possible that the nerdcore hip-hop show at Three Links could seem like a good idea. (Auto-correct actually just suggested “hip-cop”, an obvious oxymoron.)

Thursday, September 11th
Fans of ScHoolboy Q and Kendrick Lamar would be fools to miss Isaiah Rashad at Trees, especially for three bucks. I’m excited about it. If you see a white guy getting his ass kicked by a bunch of gay bartenders, that’s me.

I don’t know what to think of a burlesque show on Elm (Three Links), but I’m curious.

Friday, September 12th
GvsB (damn I wish that was short for Girls Against Boys…) is at Granada. I’ve seen Panda Bear three times and they sucked twice. The rest of the bill is kind of interesting. But again, not worth thirty bucks.

Saturday, September 13th
The Gorehounds (they play songs by The Cramps) and Flametrick Subs (self-described hillbilly train wreck from Austin) sounds fun, especially for free.

I have to hand it to Granada this time, this is a hell of a show. Black Lips, The King Khan & BBQ Show, and PVC Street Gang. There are no weaknesses here, it’s worth twenty-two bucks.

Sunday, September 14th
Nothing I’m aware of.

Until next week.

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