Guest Blogger

Hello fellow music nerds. I sincerely hope you are not reading this in front of a computer in a soul- crushing office that bears any resemblance to the hellhole I am sitting in right now. This is the first entry in a music blog from a failed writer who attends well over a hundred music shows a year, mostly in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.


I had to go out of town and missed Health at Three Links on April 17th and by all accounts it was a hell of a show (especially for three bucks), and surprisingly rowdy. I certainly intend to make up for it this weekend. Parade of Flesh has not one but three shows Friday night!

The Silver Palms will play a free show at City Tavern. If you have not yet seen a show upstairs at City Tavern this is certainly a great opportunity. Parade of Flesh has been bringing first-rate shows to this cozy venue for several months and it has quickly become my favorite spot to see live music in Dallas. They have a great bar, fine food, nice hardwood floors, a very friendly staff, and Thaddeus is a hell of a sound guy. The Silver Palms are a critically acclaimed electronic group from Georgia – checkout their music video, Georgia Boy, on YouTube.

On the same night we have two great local bands playing a free show at The Foundry. Four-piece instrumental band Things of Earth and creeped-out synth-rockers Nervous Curtains will play on a stage constructed out of pallets in front of a lively beer garden.

Two great shows and both are free, so Friday night the choice is between a cozy tavern or outside in a beer garden, either way I am happy.

Last but not least, on Friday we also have one of my favorite standup comedians, Todd Barry, at Sons of Hermann Hall. I would never miss Todd Barry (even after seeing Hannibal Buress and Maria Bamford this week in Austin), I plan on catching his set before heading over to City Tavern or The Foundry.

I am also incredibly excited about Cloud Nothings and The Men on Sunday night at Club Dada! Under normal circumstances I would go see Goblin at Texas Theatre over a couple of bands I have seen a few times but that just isn’t happening this Sunday. I have never seen Goblin and I am sure it would be incredible but Cloud Nothings and The Men get better with every album and sound better every time I see them. I last saw Cloud Nothings at SXSW in 2013 and they were so good it scared the shit out of me. The Men played a hell of a set at Fun Fun Fun Fest in November, I was sad to see them go. I’m sure Goblin will play a great show, but Dada is the place to be on Sunday.

Just Announced
sat, Apr 26
poftx presents . . .


wed, May 07
sat, May 03
poftx presents . . .


thu, May 01
poftx presents . . .


fri, May 02
poftx presents . . .


mon, May 26
fri, May 23
sat, May 24
sun, May 25
sat, May 10
poftx presents . . .


sat, Apr 19
poftx presents . . .

NNAMDÏ • Marcus Drake

thu, Mar 27
thu, Apr 10
fri, Apr 25
poftx presents . . .


sun, Apr 06