Interview: Tjinder Singh of CORNERSHOP

by transBlender

CORNERSHOP have been around before I knew what an amp was, and have been on my radar since fifth grade, when I saw them on tv and was confused about why I was enjoying their music mash up of trippy nostalgia and rock smarts, but accepted it. That was around when they released When I Was Born for the 7th Time, and have still been releasing kick ass chunes into the present. Judy Sucks a Lemon for Breakfast was their last proper full length, but they have released sexy collaborations more recently, and play around Europe when they feel the zazz.

Here is an interview with CORNERSHOP singer/songwriter Tjinder Singh about his music and kitties.

transBLENDER: Where are you currently located?
Tjinder Singh: In my kitchen…so I’m in my kitchen.

tB: You’ve been playing music in Cornershop for more than twenty years, is there a favorite period of your career?
TS: I think the worst elements have been better for growing up, and the more enjoyable ones have allowed you to stay young, so they are both necessary. When your a wog like me, there’s not that much that has not been what I favour.

tB: Your album titles are very humorous, are they specific to the feeling of that current material, or is it just something you blurt out and fall in love with?
TS: I don’t know, they just happen, and that’s that. I’m just happy enough to bag them.

tB: Who has been your favorite collaborator, and why?
TS: Guigsy playing bass on Lessons Learn’t From Rocky I to Rocky III was very enjoyable, relaxed and with moments of humour.

tB: Are there any bands or artists you are into recently that you were not aware of before?
TS: The Alabama Shakes.

tB: I heard “brimful of asha” in a Kinko’s recently. How does that make you feel?
TS: That makes me feel very relaxed, now pilgrim what’s a kinko’s?

tB: Do you spend time working in the studio on and off, or get intensely focused for long periods?
TS: Nowadays it’s on and off-we are all family, so can’t dedicate some much time to it as before. Also apart from me everyone else has another proper job so that too makes logistics more difficile.

tB: Do you have a personal favorite Cornershop release, or a least favorite?
TS: Personally they are all favourites for different reasons – if I may. Hold On It Hurts is slowly getting more Stateside attention, and was my forced introduction into producing. Womans Gotta Have It saved our label Wiiija from folding. When I Was Born For The 7th Time had us drinking tea with our traducers. People say that if the Clinton album was called a Cornershop album then our career would have been cemented, but we like it just as it is. Judy Sucks A Lemon For Breakfast on our own ample play label, and deliberately without any known collaborations to set the pace for us, and the same pace with Double O Groove featuring Bubbley Kaur singing only in Punjabi.

tB: What was the worst audience you’ve ever played for, and did you ever return there?
TS: I don’t think we do worst gigs – not that some of our gigs are not bad, but given an atmosphere of being disliked, especially in our salad days, there are some people that see through why others would be devasted at the performance for and simply get into it even more.

tB: What do you smell right now:
TS: Stoke Newington at night – the freaks come out at night.

tB: Your current obsession is:
TS: just got a dog and she’s taught me a lot.


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