For the April installment of the Red Bull Sound Select series, we have one of the Parade of Flesh team’s favorites artists to bring through over the past ten years: Philadelphia multi-instrumental act MAN MAN, who always lead a rowdy performance with streaks of sweat and face paint remaining all over everyone’s clothes. For direct support, experimental duo ZORCH, off Sargent House and from Austin, who have supported Man Man in the past and also on many of our previous shows. And finally, one of the best local bands gets added to the RBSS program: Dallas’ PARTY STATIC will join the Red Bull Sound Select roster for all their amazing music and efforts over the past few years. Well deserved and they will be performing at Spillover Music Fest on March 22nd with over 30 other bands including some Red Bull Sound Select artists: Mystery Skulls, Baby Baby, Son of Stan, Sick Feeling, Weyes Blood and White Mystery.
APRIL 10th, 2015
MAN MAN At Club Dada
Ages 16+
Doors 8pm
$3 w RSVP & $10 without
Artwork is by independent Philadelphia artist, Daniel Hughes, who has done previous Man Man posters for POF in the past. (among other things).