Relevant Links

LISTEN: Son of Stan – “Feel Her Design
Son of Stan, Catamaran, -topic (11/1) @Dada

LISTEN: Wampire – “Wizard Staff
Wampires, TOPS, Blessin’ (11/3) @City Tavern

twin peaks grand jury radkey sealion parade of flesh city tavern dallas spindle magazine
READ: Spindle Magazine’s interview with Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks, Radkey, Sealion (11/6) @City Tavern

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READ: NME’s review of Single Mothers’ Negative Qualities
Self Defense Family, Single Mothers, Goodtime Boys, Innards (11/6) @Sons

LISTEN: Natural Child – “White People” (live)
Burger Record’s Caravan of Stars with Natural Child & more (11/7) @City Tavern

ex cops downtown records dum dum girls subpop parade of flesh club dada dallas deep ellum wild magazine
READ: The Wild Magazine’s interview with Ex Cops
Dum Dum Girls, Ex Cops (11/7) @Dada

WATCH: Har Mar Superstar on Never Mind The Buzzcocks
The Pizza Underground ft Macaulay Culkin, Har Mar Superstar (11/10) @Trees

READ+WATCH: Noisey’s interview with Dope Body & their video for “Repo Man”
Dope Body, Future Death, Roomrunner, Triathalon (11/14) @DWide

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READ: American Eagle’s interview with De Lux
De Lux, Tidals (11/16) @City Tavern

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READ: Under the Radar’s “Pleased to Meet You Spotlight: Alvvays Northern Nomads
Alvvays, Absolutely Free, Dripping Wet (11/19) @City Tavern

WATCH: Consequence of Sound’s Treehouse session with White Mystery
In the Garage Alliance presents: Jacuzzi Boys, White Mystery, Ex -Cult (11/22) @Dada

purling hiss weirdon rolling stone true widow drag city parade of flesh club dada dallas deep ellum
READ: Rolling Stone’s review of Purling Hiss’ Weirdon
Purling Hiss, True Widow (11/25) @Dada

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