Relevant Links

READ: Northern Transmission’s Interview with L.A. Witch 
WATCH: Dirty Fences – “TOMMY & C.C.
L.A. Witch, Dirty Fences, Sugar Candy Mountain (5/3) @RBC

ought priests wave swinger parade of flesh dallas deep ellum rbc constellation records don giovanni spark
READ: “A Narrative on Femme Practice in Punk” by Katie Alice Greer of Priests via Spark Mag
Ought, Priests, Wave Swinger (5/21) @RBC

WATCH: DIIV – “Mire (Grant’s Song)” for Pitchfork + GoPro’s GP4K Video
DIIV, BRONCHO, Winter (5/27) @Trees

WATCH: The So So Glos – “A.D.D. Life
The So So Glos, Honduras (6/7) @Dada

LISTEN: The Hotelier – “Soft Animal
The Hotelier, Told Slant, Loone (6/10) @Dada

WATCH: Kevin Morby – Live a Pickathon via NPR
Kevin Morby (6/28) @Dada

WATCH: Damaged City 2016: Genocide Pact (DC)
Genocide Pact, Seeker, Cellblock, Creeping Death (6/28) @RBC

LISTEN: NOTHING – “The Dead Are Dumb
NOTHING, Culture Abuse, Wrong (6/29) @RBC

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